MOPCON 2019 Call for Recommendation

  • 2019/06/11(周二) 12:00(+0800) ~ 2019/07/05(周五) 00:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 高雄國際會議中心 ( ICCK ) / 高雄市鹽埕區中正四路274號 / 高雄市鹽埕區中正四路274號
  • 6 / 150
  • MOPCON 主辦小組 聯絡主辦單位

MOPCON 2019 行動科技年會

Call for Recommendation

講者推薦 Here, We ${con}

2019 年 10 月 19 - 10 月 20 日 @高雄國際會議中心

2019.10.19 - 2019.10.20 @ International Convention Center Kaohsiung (ICCK)

官網 Website:
粉絲群 FB Page:

自 2012 年起始的 MOPCON,已進入第八個年頭,規模從 160 人以近十倍速躍升達 1000 人以上的規模,已經成為台灣科技界的盛事之一。MOPCON 與會成員包含獨立開發者、軟體工程師、UI/UX 設計師、軟體資料科學家、自造者、專業經理人、相關科系學生等多元背景,甚至吸引了來自日本、美國、法國等海外參與者與我們共同探索科技的發展。往年在研討會的舉辦過程中,也能夠發現各界人士彼此交流、互動的畫面,許多的資訊社群也應運而生,使高雄的社群聚會由單次形式塊狀活動,逐漸發展成擁有固定聚會的帶狀活動。除此之外,許多在地的創業家也在 MOPCON 的交流找到投資者或是志同道合的創業夥伴,或是藉由 MOPCON 的平台,驗證自身的創意想法及商品化可能,促進高雄在地的創新發展。

Started in 2012, the growth of MOPCON has been risen from 160 people to above 1000 people rapidly for 8 years. Nowadays, MOPCON is the iconic activity in Taiwan technological circles.The attendants in MOPCON are from multiple fields, such as self-developers, software engineers, UI/UX designers, software data scientists, makers, CEO and students with related majors. Besides, some oversea attendants from Japan, U.S.A., France and other countries also joined us to explore the development of technology. After the operation in several years, different information community were generated among the interaction among diverse people. It makes the single community gathering develop to a series of related activities. On the other hand, local entrepreneurs could find the investors or soul-mate business partner in MOPCON, or they could verify the possibility of their ideas and the availability for commercialization. These benefits will trigger the local innovative development in Kaohsiung.

因此今年 MOPCON 將以 Here, We ${con} 的精神作為主軸,創造人、知識、產業的連結與流動。另外也在交流活動中,探討 AI、Quant、MobileApp、Cross-platform、Web、Cloud、UI/UX、Blockchain、Agile 等主題在行動科技領域的演化及應用。

Therefore, “Here, We ${con}” is our core value in 2019 MOPCON. It represents creating the connection and flow among people, knowledge and industries. Besides, the topics about mobile technology evolution and application of AI, Quant, MobileApp, Cross-platform, Web, Cloud, UI/UX, Blockchain, Agile and etc. would be explored and discussed in communication activities.

We Need You! Wishing Pool for Masters!

只要是您想聽的議題或講者,歡迎推薦給我們,若主題切合,我們就會幫您邀請講者蒞臨 MOPCON。若最後邀請成功,您將可獲得 MOPCON 門票一張。

If there is any topic or instructor you want to invite, welcome to recommend them to us. If the topic fits the conference, we would invite them to MOPCON. If the invitation is done, you could gain 1 entrance ticket for 2019 MOPCON.

現在就推薦 MOPCON 講者,一起打造創意遠見的舞台!
Apply MOPCON Call for Recommendation now! Together, let's build our vision of the future.

 重要日期 Save your date

推薦截止日 :即日起至 2019 年 07 月 05 日
大會舉行時間 :2019 年 10 月 19 日 - 10 月 20 日
Application Due Date :2019.07.05
Event date :2019.10.19 - 10.20


 推薦方式 How to apply

Please submit the application with the following information:

■ 推薦講者格式

  • 推薦人名稱 (網路暱稱亦可)
  • 推薦人 Email
  • 講者姓名 (網路暱稱亦可)
  • 講者聯絡信箱 (可於「備註」欄位補充其他聯絡方式)
  • 講者介紹連結(Blog、新聞報導,或者是任何能讓我們更認識講者的方法)
  • 推薦理由(請簡述講者擅長領域及推薦理由)
  • 您希望他演講的主題

■ The application form should include:

  • Your (referrer) name(Internet ID or nickname are also acceptable)
  • Your (referrer) email.
  • Instructor’s Name(Internet ID or nickname are also acceptable)
  • Instructor’s E-mail
  • Introduction link of Instructor (Blog, News or other sources about the instructors’ background etc.)
  • Recommended reason (Please summarize the Instructor’s field and recommended reason)
  • The Theme that you prefer the Instructor to share

■ 入選獎勵

  • 一旦您推薦之講者,最終得以由 MOPCON 依據主題適切性考量贊同並且邀請成功,我們將會贈送大會入場門票一張。

■ Rewards for invited presenters

  • As your recommended topic is available and the instructor was accepted by MOPCON, we would send you 1 entrance ticket for 2019 MOPCON as a gift.



今年 MOPCON 以 Here, We ${con} 的精神作為主軸,將人工智慧 (AI)、量化投資(Quant) 作為議程主幹,並延伸到周邊相關議題,包含但不限於以下:

The theme of MOPCON is “Here, We ${con}” , the main topics would be set as Artificial Intelligence(AI), Quant and related issues. It includes but not limited to the following categories:

  • AI
  • Quant
  • MobileApp
  • Web
  • IoT
  • Cloud
  • UI/UX
  • Blockchain
  • Aglie、DevOps
  • Startup
  • 符合主題,不限任何軟韌體技術(Related software or firmware technology)


其餘未盡相關活動細節請參考 MOPCON 官網MOPCON粉絲群
More information please go to MOPCON website and MOPCON FB Page

高雄國際會議中心 ( ICCK ) / 高雄市鹽埕區中正四路274號 / 高雄市鹽埕區中正四路274號


票種 販售時間 售價
Call for Recommendation

2019/06/10 00:00(+0800) ~ 2019/07/05 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費