MOPCON 2018 Devel Night

MOPCON 2018 行動科技年會

2018.11.3 18:30~21:30   典藏駁二   (高雄市鹽埕區大義街2號)

Devel Night / Connect Everything

官網         粉絲群         E mail

  1969年,網路的誕生在 IT 產業中掀起狂瀾,2007 年 iPhone 發布,整個世界的生活方式遭逢時代轉捩點,隨著穿戴科技、物聯網、擴增實境、人工智慧成熟普及,我們將越來越難以想像以往倚賴書信、電話機與個人電腦作業的模式,從 Connect PC,到 Connect People,到今日的 Connect Everything,快速變動的科技發展帶來挑戰與機會,除了掌握產業趨勢,也需要了解各種技術的最新發展。 

  2012 年 MOPCON 開辦,希望藉社群的力量,來推動南北業界技術實務經驗交流,從開始 160 人的交流會到近年每每破千人共襄盛舉的盛事,一路走來見證了高雄科技產業人才的成長。2018 我們依然堅持「在濁水溪以南」,除了熱門的 Mobile App、AR/VR、UI/UX,並也將關注不斷擴大發展的 IoT、AI、Blockchain 多樣技術,今年我們也以超連結 "Connect Everything-互聯、互動、整合" 為核心主題,歡迎大家與我們相約 MOPCON2018,與業界專家及夥伴們一起探討現今連接無處不在的世界,有什麼樣的新課題、實現智慧未來!

 In 1969, the birth of the Internet has made a huge impact in the IT industry. Since iPhone debuted in 2007, the way people live has changed drastically around the world. As the technologies of wearable devices, IoT, augmented reality, artificial intelligence develops, it is harder for us to imagine the life relying on mails, telephones, and individual computers. From “Connect PC”, to “Connect People”, and then to “Connect Everything” today, the challenges and opportunities brought by the rapidly changing technology development force people to grasp the trend of the industries and to learn the latest development of all kinds of technologies.

 Beginning in 2012, MOPCON has been devoted to encouraging the experience exchange between the northern and southern parts of Taiwan in the software technology industry through the power from the developer communities. From a meetup event of 160 people, there are more than a thousand people participating in the MOPCON conference every year. MOPCON has seen the growth of human power and professionals in the technology industry in Kaohsiung. In 2018, we still insist on hosting the conference in the south of Zhuoshui River. In addition to the popular topics, such as Mobile App, AR/VR, UI/UX, we are also interested in growing skills like IoT, AI, Blockchain, etc. This year, the core theme is “Connect Everything - Interconnect, Interact, Integrate”. We would like to invite everyone to attend MOPCON 2018, to join experts and partners in the field, to share and discuss all the new topics happening in the world where everything has been connected, and to pursue a smart future.





  " MOPCON "白天精彩的議程間,經過國內外大師級講者們的薰陶,是不是獲益良多?是不是心中還有許多未解的疑惑?想要更進一步探究,或者想對敬佩的講師有更多交流的話,那就來報名 Devel Night 吧!和講師們共進晚餐,有更多的互動,目前確定參與晚宴的講師如下,陸續聯繫邀請中~





Event information


  • 持有 MOPCON 2018 個人贊助票 - 尊爵不凡票者可直接憑票入場,贊助商、講者 " 憑邀請碼 " 報名參加!
  • Attendees who purchased MOPCON 2018 Premium Individual Sponsor Ticket, sponsors, speakers, please register via invitee code.


  • 請備妥您的報名 QrCode 以供活動入場進行驗票
  • Please present your QRCode upon arriving in order to gain admission. for more information.

其他購票資訊 Other ticketing information

" MOPCON "堅持在濁水溪以南的理念,不論您贊助、現場參與或是分享訊息出去都是對我們的支持,請趕快按下「立即報名」,加入這個年度盛會吧!

其餘未盡相關活動細節請參考 MOPCON 官網MOPCON粉絲群


典藏駁二 / 803高雄市鹽埕區大義街2號


票種 販售時間 售價
講師/贊助/合作夥伴票 ( Speaker/Sponsor/Cooperator )

2018/10/01 08:00(+0800) ~ 2018/11/03 19:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
講師/贊助/合作夥伴 攜伴票 ( Partner with Speaker/Sponsor/Cooperator)

2018/10/01 08:00(+0800) ~ 2018/11/03 19:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$800